đī¸ Register
Register script is used to register a new account on TikTok.
đī¸ Login
Login script is used to login to the account on TikTok.
đī¸ Profile
Profile script is used to set the profile of the account.
đī¸ Match Accounts
Match accounts script is used to recognize the accounts from the phone and add them to the account list.
đī¸ Train
Train script is used to train the accounts by searching keywords, watching videos, following, liking, commenting, and favoriting.
đī¸ Publish
Publish script is used to publish videos or images to TikTok.
đī¸ Boost Users
Boost Users script is used to boost users by following/unfollowing.
đī¸ Boost Posts
Boost Posts script is used to boost posts by liking, commenting, sharing, favoriting, and viewing.
đī¸ Scrape Followers
Scrape Followers script is used to scrape followers from a target account.
đī¸ Batch DM
Batch DM script is used to send messages to multiple accounts.